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Documentation Contribution Guide

The documentation for the OpenFDE community is managed by the openfde-doc repository, providing users with abundant resources on OpenFDE. Community members are encouraged to contribute by editing and creating their own technical articles and blogs. The OpenFDE community documentation includes two types: documentation and blogs, and it supports internationalization with English being the default language.

  • The documentation directory is docs/, and the corresponding Chinese directory is i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs.
  • The blog directory is blog/, and the corresponding Chinese directory is i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog.

If you would like to contribute your own feature documentation or technical blog to the OpenFDE community, you can use markdown format to edit your document content.

Upload your original document

Firstly, it is important to determine the category to which your uploaded document belongs. The categories for the openfde-doc documentation primarily include:

  • User Guides: if your document primarily provides assistance and guidance to users, please upload the document to docs/documentation
  • Developer Guides: if your document primarily provides assistance and guidance to developers, please upload the document to docs/developer
  • Community Guides:if your document is related to the OpenFDE community, please upload the document to docs/commnuity
  • FAQ: if your document records common issues and their solutions encountered during the use of OpenFDE,please upload the document to docs/faq
  • Version Update:if your document is related to the updataion of OpenFDE,please upload the document to docs/version

Upload the source file for the blog posts

If you are uploading source files for blog-type technical articles, please upload your files to the blog/. For folder and file naming conventions, as well as the format of the blog content, please refer to the Blog Writing Guidelines.


When uploading markdown source files, you need to submit both the Chinese and English documents. The Chinese source file should be uploaded to the corresponding directories of i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs and i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, based on the category. The English source file should be uploaded to the respective directories of docs/ or blog/ based on its category.

Add an issue

Create a new issue to describe the content you need to add or modify in the documentation. The administrators of the openfde-doc repository will respond and handle your issue task within the issue thread.

Submit your PR

Once you have confirmed the target directory and version for the documentation that needs to be added, you can create a new pull request to submit your document.

Validate the correctness of the document

After submitting the PR, administrators of the openfde-doc repository will review it. Once they confirm that the document content adheres to the guidelines, your document will be merged into the OpenFDE community.